Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Donations Go Both Ways

Tonight I headed to some event hosted by Nefesh B'Nefesh, the organization that ever so courteously chartered the plane that got me here.

On the way over, my friend Rachel and I noticed that someone who worked at a bakery along the way set out a tray of pastries. What a nice welcome present for passing their shop. I felt like I was back at home with my family for a minute, sampling every dessert on the menu. So a big thank you to Tufiney in Emek Refa'im for giving me an eclectic array of sweets to stuff in my mouth. (Not a paid endorsement but hopefully a measure that will ensure continued free samplings).

Just a quick step across the street was the event.
I watched a few Seinfeld episodes that were projected on a big screen outside with some friends and then went to give of myself to Magen David Adom, Israel's Shield of David ambulatory care services. Being only the second time that I've ever done this (the first was in Be'er Sheva in 2004 also with MDA), I was slightly nervous, given I've almost passed out from blood tests. (In my defense, that experience was after I was required to fast until a mid-afternoon appointment). However I was more confident going into the experience that my sugar level was quite high enough to keep me conscious.

my blood
Just as I sat on the bed to become the patient/victim/philanthropist, I asked my standard pre-taking-blood-from-me question: "have you ever done this before?" The medic wasn't too impressed. Or maybe my Hebrew version just didn't translate quite right. Or possibly she had seen buckets of blood that evening and it had become a tired routine. Either way, in and out went the needle and a bag of my finest spirits later, I felt pretty good about giving back to the society here. And rewarded myself with imitation Sunkist and yet more sweets.

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